Clarksville Office

Montgomery County Office

1989 Madison Street, Suite 253
Clarksville, Tennessee 37043

Phone: 931.451.8053

Toll Free: 800.705.2121

Fax: 615.353.0963

Contact Us
  • Employment Law

    Don't wait another moment, stick up for your rights today. Jim Higgins and the employment lawyers at the Higgins Firm will review your case for free and only charge a fee if you recover money.
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Practice Areas
Injured at work? Act now. Timing is crucial. Learn the 4 critical steps to getting your workers compensation benefits. When injured at work, immediately report the injury in writing to the employer. Many workers comp laws require injured workers to file the state's version of "First Report of Work Injury or Illness" as soon as possible after a workplace injury. Read More: Workers Comp

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